"Jack Spriggins, Villain" Published by Bewildering Stories

E-magazine Bewildering Stories published my fractured fairy tale "Jack Spriggins, Villain."  This exposé documents what really happened to the Geants of Cornwall and the impact of Brexit on this minority group. 


"Farewell to Olaf" on Funny Pearls

Funny Pearls, an "online journal dedicated to humour by women," published my short, personal humor piece "A Farewell to Olaf." The story describes how I convinced my niece to re-cycle her Halloween pumpkin.   The irony is that my Halloween story is part of their Valentine's Day celebration.


Be sure and check out the Funny Pearls website where you will find fiction, humor, slice of life features from the broad spectrum of women's experiences. Or as Funny Pearls recommends, when you need a bit of sparkling entertainment in your day.

Nonfiction Publications

Theodore Roosevelt Riding with Theodore Roosevelt in Equus , April 2018. Republished by Equus online September 20, 2023. Family History The...