
Hark, Hark the Dogs of War do Bark  During WW I, serio-comic maps were  both art form and propaganda devices. What would happen if the characters could talk.

Showdown on the Strand, Tall Tale TV, podcast. Per their website, "Tall Tale TV ranked in the final five for its category in the Parsec Awards, a prestigious award given only to the best story podcasts." 

Axe versus whale rib. Sword versus blubber. 'Showdown at the Strand' is a retelling of one of the Icelandic sagas using American Western motifs.  I wrote this story in honor of the heritage of my Icelandic horse Blessi.  I planned to re-enact hunting stranded (dead) whales in Iceland by horseback around 1020 AD. But something happened so I wrote this story instead.

Jack Spriggins, Villain, Bewildering Stories, a home for stories of all genres, February 24, 2019.  This is a fractured fairy tale about the Geants of Cornwall.

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